Tape “Walks”
During lockdown the tape loop project (as I was calling it at the time) evolved as a way to go on virtual walks with my friends and family, when walking together was no longer allowed.
I would go on walks and record as many sounds as I could, for example footsteps, or crunchy leaves, or birdsong. Birdsong actually became the main focus at one point…. Then I would edit the sounds and put them together to recreate the walk I had just been on.
I decided to make miniature dioramas of different scenes on the back of modified tape cassettes. I just started sticking the matchsticks on as something to run the tape loops around, I then thought I could make those into little trees, and out of nowhere I had a forest/woodland.
From there it was just a case of deciding which sounds to put on each loop. Some of them are related to nature, others are just things I think up, mostly just to see if I could actually make an idea work (the Windmill for example, took a lot of trial and error). The tapes were also as a way of escaping to another place for a little while. And that’s nice.
Once the tape loop was done, I would stream it on social media and invite my friends to join me on “an audio adventure into the world of tape loops”.
Overtime, people started asking for particular walks. The Island was one request, and so was the Beach - maybe because people were missing a trip away. I was more than happy to try and recreate it.
Being creative in some way or another was very important for me during lockdown as it let me escape from my spare room (art space) and get out on a walk, even if it was just imaginary. I’ve always had a good imagination, and I find humour in odd things. I like the idea that I was using an old four-track tape machine, a mechanical device, to reconnect with nature. I like that the tape loops have imperfections. I like that the tape will degrade over time. I like that the miniature scenes are built within the confines of a tape cassette shell, four little walls, a box. Sound familiar? 
Most of all I just liked having something to do each week that wasn’t work related, or deciding what episode of Friends to re-watch for the millionth time. 
These are my tape walks - I hope you enjoy them, Toby.